To all parents and guests:
Please pay attention to the followings:
In order to lessen the pressure exerted on using public transport after EDB launching the HKDSE, our school will adjust school opening hours in the following dates:
April 27,28, 29
May 4,5
School opens at 9:30am.
With your understanding and cooperation, it is to hope that the minor support can show our concern to all candidates of HKDSE.
Thank you very much.
此舉主要是配合中學文憑試 主科考試,希望以彈性時間上班,有助減少人流。而間接令市面少點人(雖然力量微小,但如果每個機構也這樣行,那麼就積少成多,便可讓中學文憑考生在使用交通工具時減少擠迫的情況。)