教育局特別通告 EDB Special Announcements

In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases and the increasing risk of the spread of the virus in crowded environment in a short period of time when people travel abroad and visit relatives during the Chinese New Year holidays, the Education Bureau today (January 25) announced that all schools (including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools) will extend their Chinese New Year holidays to February 16 (i.e. class resumption on February 17) to safeguard students’ health.


  1. 在延長假期期間,我們呼籲學童盡量留在家中。學校可以透過電郵、學校網頁或其他有效方法,向學生提供學習材料,包括香港教育城或其他教育網站提供的網上資源,讓學生可以在家中學習。     (啟愛–>自學園地)


  1. 我們呼籲家長與學校發揮家校合作精神,妥善照顧子女,加倍注意環境及個人衞生,避免讓子女到人多擠迫的環境,減少感染疾病風險。


  1. 至於2019/20學年為日校學生提供2 500元學生津貼的安排,學校原定於二月十四日或以前將家長填妥的申請表交回教育局,但鑑於部分學校可能因假期延長而未能如期收齊表格,我們會將收表限期順延兩個星期,至二月二十八日。


2.西方音樂 Western Music

(1) 音樂事務處 – 西洋樂器介紹


(2) The San Francisco Symphony Kid’s Site

3.非洲音樂 African Music



(2) Jibao 「非洲音樂」介紹


(1) 聲音的強弱和音樂的基本節拍

(2)Weather wise –an online game about tempo

5.日本音樂 Japanese Music

(1) Japanese Kids Songs