有關星期一初小活動安排 New arrangement about Monday “Muscle” Fun Day (P1 to P3 )

致各位初小家長: 於7月9日星期一的初小「大肌肉」同樂日,因北角分店的冷氣系統維修,現改為於油塘分店繼續相關活動,時間如常。如有任何查詢,可於星期一與校務處或班主任聯絡。

To all P1 to P3 parents:

“Muscle” Fun Day is going to be held on 9th July.

As there is emergent maintenance on the air-conditioning system at the North Point centre, after discussion with the organisation, it is suggested to change the venue!

Please be notified that the activity will be held at Yau Tong centre tomorrow!

For any enquiries, please contact school office or class teacher at 2393 0119!

Thank you for your kind attention !